Project Goals

The main objectives of the project are:

  • Transferring of general and specific scientific knowledge on ecosystem services which exists in Europe to the process of mapping and assessment of ecosystem services in Poland;
  • Increasing the scientific potential to mapp and assess of ecosystem services;
  • Increasing the scientific potential and the ability of administration and interested social groups to implement this approach in environmental management.

The following groups are expected to benefit from the project:

  • Scientists – by increasing the capacity of the Polish researchers dealing with main ecosystems to develop ecosystem services (ES) approach;
  • Administration on the regional and local levels and experts-practitioners – by developing officials’ awareness of the potential of ES approach from the political, social and ecological point of view, as well as will building their skills for including ES assessment into process of environmental management;
  • Interested social groups, including activists – by increasing their awareness of the benefits obtained through the proper management of ecosystems.
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